Thursday, August 14, 2014


In this blog I intend to publish reviews of academic books and articles from the educational field of Japanese Studies. At the present time I live in Sendai and work at Tohoku University. I've had a lifetime interest in all things related to Japan, including history, culture and politics. Hopefully, my initial scope for the blog's content will not be this limited. Diversions and other leisurely pursuits will likely include opinion pieces, thoughts on movies, non-academic books, events, et cetera - but I will undoubtedly keep these Japan-related. The main purpose of this blog is to provide me with a motive for doing something outside my scholarly concerns - but to keep me active, nonetheless, in my field of research. I hope my posts will stimulate other people's enthusiasm for so many exceptional writers and their outstanding research. Lastly, I expect this blog to be a platform for sharing scholarly thoughts and interests. If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to leave a comment.

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